Support Our Community

Free Window Posters

Free window posters are full color and measure 8 x 11 inches. They can significantly bolster our on-street presence by capturing the attention of passersby and increasing word-of-mouth awareness for our cause, thus sending a strong message that as a community we stand united against the city’s unsafe plans for our street.

Larger posters measuring 18 x 24 inches can be printed as well. The printing cost is $23 per poster.

Please be so kind as to tape your poster(s) to the inside of your window(s), where they can be visible from Richmond Street.

Would you like one or more window posters?

Contact us at


We maintain this website and do all the work necessary for our community in our free time, yet there are always administrative costs, such as website hosting and printing. Any contribution helps, no matter how small. It means so much to have your support.

If you have a PayPal account, you can use PayPal to send money to Richmond Street Neighbors Association (RSNA), selecting the email The treasurer of our association, Ingrid Brust, will receive all donations in name of RSNA. Your gift will go a long way toward ensuring the environment of our community is defined by residents and not by non-local interest groups or poor urban planning.

You also may contact us directly at

Contact your City Council

You can contact your El Cerrito City Council members to tell them what you like and what you do not like about your community:

Carolyn Wysinger

Lisa Motoyama

Gabe Quinto

William Ktsanes

Rebecca Saltzman

You can also attend El Cerrito City Council meetings on the first and the third Tuesday of each month, starting at 6:00 PM at the
El Cerrito City Hall. Public comments are only three minutes long, but make yourself heard!

Sign up for public comments starts at 5:30 PM, unless there is a special meeting. Instructions for making public comments can be found here.