Ignoring Community Voices


The City asserts that extensive community engagement was conducted; however, Richmond Street residents—the people most directly affected—were not adequately consulted. A survey conducted by the Richmond Street Neighbors Association revealed that 90% of the 205 households surveyed on Richmond Street oppose the project, with only 6.5% in favor. These numbers indicate a severe disconnect between the City’s outreach and the actual concerns of residents. The City Council’s primary duty is to serve its community faithfully. Why, then, is this project still being pursued despite overwhelming opposition?

The Richmond Street Complete Streets Improvement Project



The City’s website states:

Community engagement for the Richmond Street Complete Streets Improvement Project began in July 2024. The project team has shared project information and gathered feedback from the El Cerrito community through tabling at the City's July 4th Festival, three workshops, two online surveys, emails, and presentations to committees and local organizations.  

Outreach events have been advertised through the City Manager's newsletter, the City's social media, two direct mailings to Richmond Street residents, hand delivery of fliers to Richmond Street residents, fliers posted at Richmond Street intersections, and the project website. All of the events to date have been well attended and have included strong dialogue, with community members expressing a range of perspectives.

EXCEPT, no one surveyed the actual community of Richmond Street residents that will have to live with the full impact of the proposed road changes on their street. And when those same residents shared their opinions in voice and in writing during the December 2024 “workshop” when they first heard about the full impact of the City’s plans, their voices were stifled and their writings misplaced.

Hence, a couple of Richmond Street neighbors got together and did some research to find out what Richmond Street residents really think. They organized a petition and gathered signatures from concerned Richmond Street residents regarding the planned Richmond Street Complete Streets Improvement Project. A copy of the petition with signatures was emailed to the City Clerk and City Council on January 21, 2025.

The petitioners approached the approximately 205 homes between Moeser Lane and Hill Street. Fifty-one residents or 25% were not at home. Of those who were home: 141 or 90% declared they were against the project and signed the petition. Only 10 residents or 6.5% stated they were in favor of the project; five residents or 3.5% were undecided. 

Conclusion: As outlined in the petition, a super majority of homeowners and residents north of Moeser Lane believe the proposed plans will hinder living, working and commuting along an already busy street.  When we investigated further, we discovered that the touted virtues of the project vaporize under scrutiny. Aside from some select pedestrian safety measures, nothing holds.

The City Council’s primary duty is to faithfully and proactively serve our community and to safeguard the community’s well-being. Why is this project still on the table?


Harming Property Values and Livability


Based on Distorted Data